Sunday, October 24, 2010

Architect your web site which your path to success

We all know that online success isn’t about sitting there toddling our thumbs, hoping the taffic that makes it to our web site takes action. We have to be an active, more active than our competitors in exchange with our customer, potential customers or web site visitors. We have to persuade our visitors by interviewing the selling process with the buying process. Our website it the place where our selling process and customers’ buying process meet together and fulfil both parties needs. In other words or marketing theories, aidas ( attention, interest, desire and action) and wiifm ( what’s in it for me?). These are the critical points or elements behind any sales or conversion process.

Persuasion architecture ensures the design of our web site has a sold foundation. So it persuade and converts visitors efficiently and effectively. Below are the main elements in the persuasion architecture.

1. Uncovery

2. Wireframing

3. Storyboarding

4. Prototyping

5. Development

6. Optimization


Skilful uncover is the first necessary step towards designing and developing effective persuasive architecture. Neglecting this element in the process would be the architectural equivalent of constructing a building but omitting the foundation.

Below activities are come under uncovery

i. Mapping objectives
ii. Developing strategy
iii. Understanding the customers buying process
iv. Understanding and refining the sales process
v. Defining personas
vi. Researching keywords and key phrases
vii. Defining the key business metrics that will be used

If any one doesn’t get the uncovery part right, we will not be able to define or measure success. Uncovery is completed with the development of personas, along with narrative that described how the personas buy and what you would do to persuade them. So uncover is pretty much the who of the creative process of our persuasion architecture.


Wireframing defines the what of the creative process of persuasion architecture. It is a sturcturall, page by page representation of every click through possibility and path your visitors might take. It other word, map of interactivity.

No pictures, no designs, just bare bones text and hyperlinks. You can click the links and see where you go, you can get a feel for the process of the web site and the help generate useful feedback at a time when changes and multiple iterations are snap. When your wireframe, you evaluate the entire web site and all it’s interactions and navigations before you enter the more costly phase of programming. Saves your time saves your money.


Storyboarding focuses on how you go about accomplishing the what. It is the why you begin to flesh out your wireframe. When you storyboard, you develop the persuasive copy that is going to grab your visitors’ attention and motivate them through your web site. You pay careful attention to;

• The graphic mockup
• Scanning and skimming
• The eight second rule
• Priority of content
• Kiss ( keep it simple and stupid)

Your first storyboards should appear in gray scale, so you can evaluate the composition and process without the emotional influence of color. Then yiu can proceed to a color mockup, finally html mockupo will start.

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